Analysis of the Importance of Israel to U.S. Interests and the Strategy of Israel and the U.S. in the Area

The following was posted on the Socialist Project's website ( I have already had occasion to refer to the author of the post (Adam Hanieh) in two earlier posts (see The Rate of Exploitation of Palestinian Workers at PADICO Holding, a Palestinian Capitalist Company and The Rate of Exploitation of Bank of Palestine Workers, … Continue reading Analysis of the Importance of Israel to U.S. Interests and the Strategy of Israel and the U.S. in the Area

The Political Bias of the Police: The Cases of a Knife-Wielding Supporter of Israel Versus a Crowd Engaging in an Act of Hiding Its Painting a Symbolic Red Line

fff John Clarke, former major organizer for the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), recently posted the following on Facebook: John Clarke   ·  A short while ago, a supporter of Israel, who was holding a knife, pulled down banners at the University of Toronto Palestine solidarity encampment. The police quietly escorted her away, with no charges … Continue reading The Political Bias of the Police: The Cases of a Knife-Wielding Supporter of Israel Versus a Crowd Engaging in an Act of Hiding Its Painting a Symbolic Red Line

Further to The Protest at People’s Circle for Palestine / King’s College Circle, University of Toronto, St. George Campus

The Ontario Public Service Employees' Union (OPSEU) and the United Steel Workers (USW) have responded to the University of Toronto's attempt to have the court impose an injunction against students camped out to protest, among other things, non-disclosure of the University of Toronto's investments in companies that aid Israel's genocidal actions:  Unions seek intervenor status … Continue reading Further to The Protest at People’s Circle for Palestine / King’s College Circle, University of Toronto, St. George Campus

The Rule of Law in Action: The Clearing of the University of Calgary Encampment in Protest Against the Gaza Genocide

John Clarke, former major organizer of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), recently posted this on Facebook. It illustrates the use of force to defend the property rights of a semi-state institution called a university:  John Clarke   A police attack on the Palestine solidarity encampment at the University of Calgary. From the Calgary Herald. … Continue reading The Rule of Law in Action: The Clearing of the University of Calgary Encampment in Protest Against the Gaza Genocide

Should Radical Leftists Indulge and Idealize Organizations of Unions?

John Clarke, former major organizer for the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), recently posted the following on Facebook:  John Clarke   ·    As a body representing an array of unions, it is significant that the Toronto Labour Council is able to take this position. [He then posts a link to a post on the Socialist … Continue reading Should Radical Leftists Indulge and Idealize Organizations of Unions?

The Need to Develop Connections Between the Critique of Daily Life and International Affairs, Part Two

John Clarke, former organizer for the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, posted the following recently without comment: John Clarke · "This goes well beyond the question of Palestine and Israel to the fundamental ability of a university to foster free inquiry and debate." From Dawn. I Was a Target of Academic Censorship Over My Work on … Continue reading The Need to Develop Connections Between the Critique of Daily Life and International Affairs, Part Two

Palestine Action Permanently Shuts Down Israeli Military Contractor Elbit Plant in UK

  The above is the title of an article ( published on the Socialist Project's website. I copy the content below:  March 31, 2024 Relentless direct action has secured another victory in the fight against Israel’s arms trade, as Elbit Systems are forced to sell their ‘Elite KL’ factory in Tamworth, England. The company had … Continue reading Palestine Action Permanently Shuts Down Israeli Military Contractor Elbit Plant in UK

Direct action confronts Canada-Israel arms trade–but the Idealization of International Law Limits Its Effectiveness

The above title is taken from the following article published in the Canadian social-democratic magazine Canadian Dimension (   ). Although its tactics of direct action against arms manufacturers that produce arms for Israel is, in general, a better tactic than merely protesting against the genocide occurring in Gaza and the West Bank, it, like much … Continue reading Direct action confronts Canada-Israel arms trade–but the Idealization of International Law Limits Its Effectiveness

Further Oppression of Those Who Work in the Medical Field Due to Their Support of Palestine

The Breach published the following ( on March 9, 2024: ‘Abuse of power’: Hospitals, med schools crack down on Palestine advocacy Immediate suspensions, harsh repercussions plague health-care workers advocating for Palestine, a Breach investigation has found by Brishti Basu At least six doctors and healthcare workers were suspended at Toronto’s SickKids hospital for social media posts supporting … Continue reading Further Oppression of Those Who Work in the Medical Field Due to Their Support of Palestine

Several Blockades of Military Manufacturers of the Israeli War Machine in Canada

The following is found on the Socialist Project's website ( It details several efforts in Canada to block the shipment of military equipment to Israel. Unfortunately, it begins with a UN call for an arms embargo--addressed to governments independently of working-class, citizen, immigrant and migrant worker pressure. Such a reference should have been supplementary … Continue reading Several Blockades of Military Manufacturers of the Israeli War Machine in Canada