An Aspect of the Real World of Canadian Democracy and the Rule of Law: The Influence of a Secret Government Committee to Persecute Opposition to Genocide in Palestine

The following was recently (June 27, 2024) published from The Breach. Socialists should consider how this reflects on the nature of Canadian democracy and the rule of law: Secretive committee in Ontario ministry pushed crackdown on pro-Palestine activism A group marked by pro-Israel bias within the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General pushed for more severe charges … Continue reading An Aspect of the Real World of Canadian Democracy and the Rule of Law: The Influence of a Secret Government Committee to Persecute Opposition to Genocide in Palestine

Analysis of the Importance of Israel to U.S. Interests and the Strategy of Israel and the U.S. in the Area

The following was posted on the Socialist Project's website ( I have already had occasion to refer to the author of the post (Adam Hanieh) in two earlier posts (see The Rate of Exploitation of Palestinian Workers at PADICO Holding, a Palestinian Capitalist Company and The Rate of Exploitation of Bank of Palestine Workers, … Continue reading Analysis of the Importance of Israel to U.S. Interests and the Strategy of Israel and the U.S. in the Area

The Political Bias of the Police: The Cases of a Knife-Wielding Supporter of Israel Versus a Crowd Engaging in an Act of Hiding Its Painting a Symbolic Red Line

fff John Clarke, former major organizer for the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), recently posted the following on Facebook: John Clarke   ·  A short while ago, a supporter of Israel, who was holding a knife, pulled down banners at the University of Toronto Palestine solidarity encampment. The police quietly escorted her away, with no charges … Continue reading The Political Bias of the Police: The Cases of a Knife-Wielding Supporter of Israel Versus a Crowd Engaging in an Act of Hiding Its Painting a Symbolic Red Line

Further Oppression of Protesting University Students by University Administration and the Police: The Case of York University in Toronto

The following was posted on the Socialist Project website:  `Statement on Morning Encampment Raid at York University ANTI-RACISM, PUBLIC GOODS, SOCIAL MOVEMENTS  •  June 6, 2024  •  York Federation of Students [Content Warning: The following statement references police violence and racism, colonialism, imperialism, and anti-Indigenous racism. — YFS] On June 5, 2024, York University students launched the York Popular University … Continue reading Further Oppression of Protesting University Students by University Administration and the Police: The Case of York University in Toronto

A Series of Strikes by California University Workers in Solidarity with Student Protesters of the Genocide in Gaza and the West Bank and in Opposition to Their Oppression by University Authorities and the Capitalist State

The following was posted on the Socialist Project website ( Although such efforts should be supported, it is still unlikely that there will be a wave of real support from organized labour; it is one thing to pay lipservice to such support and another to actually showing practical support in various ways:  The Next Front … Continue reading A Series of Strikes by California University Workers in Solidarity with Student Protesters of the Genocide in Gaza and the West Bank and in Opposition to Their Oppression by University Authorities and the Capitalist State

Further to The Protest at People’s Circle for Palestine / King’s College Circle, University of Toronto, St. George Campus

The Ontario Public Service Employees' Union (OPSEU) and the United Steel Workers (USW) have responded to the University of Toronto's attempt to have the court impose an injunction against students camped out to protest, among other things, non-disclosure of the University of Toronto's investments in companies that aid Israel's genocidal actions:  Unions seek intervenor status … Continue reading Further to The Protest at People’s Circle for Palestine / King’s College Circle, University of Toronto, St. George Campus

The Rule of Law in Action: The Clearing of the University of Calgary Encampment in Protest Against the Gaza Genocide

John Clarke, former major organizer of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), recently posted this on Facebook. It illustrates the use of force to defend the property rights of a semi-state institution called a university:  John Clarke   A police attack on the Palestine solidarity encampment at the University of Calgary. From the Calgary Herald. … Continue reading The Rule of Law in Action: The Clearing of the University of Calgary Encampment in Protest Against the Gaza Genocide

Should Radical Leftists Indulge and Idealize Organizations of Unions?

John Clarke, former major organizer for the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), recently posted the following on Facebook:  John Clarke   ·    As a body representing an array of unions, it is significant that the Toronto Labour Council is able to take this position. [He then posts a link to a post on the Socialist … Continue reading Should Radical Leftists Indulge and Idealize Organizations of Unions?

Direct Action in Opposition to the Genocide Against Palestinians Is Insufficient

John Clarke, former major organizer for the Ontario Coaltion Against Poverty (OCAP), recently posted the following on Facebook (the website URL is ): Canada: Palestine solidarity activists block major infrastructure in A15 protests Jeff Shantz April 23, 2024 Issue 1404 World In Canada, A15 actions included calls on the government to implement a two-way arms … Continue reading Direct Action in Opposition to the Genocide Against Palestinians Is Insufficient

A Poem by A Palestinian Poet Removed from a Display at the Toronto Public Library Due to A Complaint by B’Nai Brith

John Clarke, former major organizer for the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), recently posted the following on Facebook: John Clarke This is the poem that the Toronto Public Library removed at the urging of Zionist organization B'nai Brith. The accusers draw on the standard racist notion that Palestinian resistance is the product of a barbaric … Continue reading A Poem by A Palestinian Poet Removed from a Display at the Toronto Public Library Due to A Complaint by B’Nai Brith