Analysis of the Importance of Israel to U.S. Interests and the Strategy of Israel and the U.S. in the Area

The following was posted on the Socialist Project's website ( I have already had occasion to refer to the author of the post (Adam Hanieh) in two earlier posts (see The Rate of Exploitation of Palestinian Workers at PADICO Holding, a Palestinian Capitalist Company and The Rate of Exploitation of Bank of Palestine Workers, … Continue reading Analysis of the Importance of Israel to U.S. Interests and the Strategy of Israel and the U.S. in the Area

Israel as the Junior Partner of the United States

John Clarke, former major organizer for the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, recently posted the following on Facebook: If you want to understand the ability of Washington to decide the parameters of the murderous brutality being unleashed on Gaza or the relationship between US imperialism and the garrison state of Israel, take note of this comment. … Continue reading Israel as the Junior Partner of the United States