Analysis of the Importance of Israel to U.S. Interests and the Strategy of Israel and the U.S. in the Area

The following was posted on the Socialist Project's website ( I have already had occasion to refer to the author of the post (Adam Hanieh) in two earlier posts (see The Rate of Exploitation of Palestinian Workers at PADICO Holding, a Palestinian Capitalist Company and The Rate of Exploitation of Bank of Palestine Workers, … Continue reading Analysis of the Importance of Israel to U.S. Interests and the Strategy of Israel and the U.S. in the Area

Guatemala: How Some Employers Realize How Important Ideology Is and How Important Social Supports of Ideology Are

Introduction Does the radical left consider it necessary to engage in ideological struggles on a frequent basis against not only employers' (and their representatives') views but also against social-reformist ideology?  Employers certainly see the importance of engaging in ideological battles. A case in point is Guatemala's employers in the sugar industry.  Guatemalan Employers' Ideological Offensive … Continue reading Guatemala: How Some Employers Realize How Important Ideology Is and How Important Social Supports of Ideology Are

Attributing All Weather Extremes to Human Climate Change is Irresponsible, and Socialists Need to Challenge Such Irresponsibility

John Clarke, former major organizer for the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), recently posted the following on his Facebook page: John Clarke · The extreme heat that is now gripping Toronto brings with it major health risks and considerable hardship for those who can't escape it. It is also another manifestation of the intensifying climate … Continue reading Attributing All Weather Extremes to Human Climate Change is Irresponsible, and Socialists Need to Challenge Such Irresponsibility

Critical Education Articles Placed in the Teacher Staff Lounge While I Was a Teacher, Part Thirty: Financial Literacy in the Context of a Society Dominated by a Class of Employers

This is a continuation of a series of posts on summaries of articles, mainly on education. When I was a French teacher at Ashern Central School, in Ashern, Manitoba, Canada, I started to place critiques, mainly (although not entirely) of the current school system. At first, I merely printed off the articles, but then I … Continue reading Critical Education Articles Placed in the Teacher Staff Lounge While I Was a Teacher, Part Thirty: Financial Literacy in the Context of a Society Dominated by a Class of Employers

The Political Bias of the Police: The Cases of a Knife-Wielding Supporter of Israel Versus a Crowd Engaging in an Act of Hiding Its Painting a Symbolic Red Line

fff John Clarke, former major organizer for the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), recently posted the following on Facebook: John Clarke   ·  A short while ago, a supporter of Israel, who was holding a knife, pulled down banners at the University of Toronto Palestine solidarity encampment. The police quietly escorted her away, with no charges … Continue reading The Political Bias of the Police: The Cases of a Knife-Wielding Supporter of Israel Versus a Crowd Engaging in an Act of Hiding Its Painting a Symbolic Red Line

Another Example of the Ideology of Union Leaders that Needs to Be Criticized: The Case of Marvin Alfred, President of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113, Toronto

There was a threat of a transit strike in Toronto as of June 7, 2024, but a tentative agreement (called a framework agreement) was established near midnight on June 6. There will be a vote on June 20 to see if the members of the union will ratify (agree to) the proposed collective agreement. In … Continue reading Another Example of the Ideology of Union Leaders that Needs to Be Criticized: The Case of Marvin Alfred, President of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113, Toronto

An Interesting Response from Barry Weisleder, Canadian Federal Secretary of Socialist Action, located in Toronto

I just had an interesting experience with a Socialist Action Conference held online at the 4:00 session:  There were three presenters at the 4:00 session: Lisa Kreut (Hospital Employees Union in British Columbia), Corey David (machinist and member of the Municipal Socialist Alliance) and Julius Arscott, former executive member of the Ontario Public Service Employees … Continue reading An Interesting Response from Barry Weisleder, Canadian Federal Secretary of Socialist Action, located in Toronto

Further Oppression of Protesting University Students by University Administration and the Police: The Case of York University in Toronto

The following was posted on the Socialist Project website:  `Statement on Morning Encampment Raid at York University ANTI-RACISM, PUBLIC GOODS, SOCIAL MOVEMENTS  •  June 6, 2024  •  York Federation of Students [Content Warning: The following statement references police violence and racism, colonialism, imperialism, and anti-Indigenous racism. — YFS] On June 5, 2024, York University students launched the York Popular University … Continue reading Further Oppression of Protesting University Students by University Administration and the Police: The Case of York University in Toronto

Should Not the Radical Left Take into Account the Attitude of Workers Towards Their Own Jobs? Part Two, The Case of the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)

Preliminaries There may be a strike by members of the Amalgamated Transit Union, which represents around 11,000 frontline workers out of a total of 25,000 workers very soon (June 7).  There has been some movement by management today, but whether that will suffice for the union bargaining team to recommend ratification remains to be seen … Continue reading Should Not the Radical Left Take into Account the Attitude of Workers Towards Their Own Jobs? Part Two, The Case of the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)

A Series of Strikes by California University Workers in Solidarity with Student Protesters of the Genocide in Gaza and the West Bank and in Opposition to Their Oppression by University Authorities and the Capitalist State

The following was posted on the Socialist Project website ( Although such efforts should be supported, it is still unlikely that there will be a wave of real support from organized labour; it is one thing to pay lipservice to such support and another to actually showing practical support in various ways:  The Next Front … Continue reading A Series of Strikes by California University Workers in Solidarity with Student Protesters of the Genocide in Gaza and the West Bank and in Opposition to Their Oppression by University Authorities and the Capitalist State